4 July 1776 — Blog — Dream Destinations

4 July 1776

The Significance of American Independence Day 4 July 1776

The Significance of American Independence Day 4 July 1776

By Hank Schrader, USMA ‘71


As you know, Saturday 4 July 2020 is our Independence Day.  In a bold move on 4 July 1776, the 13 Colonies declared their independence from British rule.

We now celebrate Independence Day as the day the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence.

The Declaration of Independence has 3 important parts.  First, is the goals of our nation.  Second, is the complaints about British rule, especially against King George III.  Third, why the 13 Colonies wanted to be free of British rule.

We had been at war for a year when the Continental Congress adopted and signed the Declaration of Independence, expressing our desire to become an independent nation.

The best known part of this document is in the Preamble.  Among other statements, it declares that the authority to govern belongs to the people; all people are created equal; and we have unalienable rights—among them life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The document also states it is the right of the people to alter or abolish a form of government that does not come from the consent of the governed.

It ends with the words that the 56 undersigned delegates pledges “our Lives, our Fortunes and our Scared Honor”.

Words have meaning and these may be some of the most important words ever written about the form of governing the citizens of a nation.

We hope you give a few minutes of thought about these words and the principles of our nation.

Anne and I wish you a Happy Independence Day

Hank Schrader Graduation from West Point 9 June 1971

Hank Schrader Graduation from West Point 9 June 1971

HANK is a certified Western European Destination Specialist (DS) who has been traveling to Europe for 49 years.  He is also an Accredited Cruise Counselor (ACC), conferred by the Cruise Line International Association (CLIA).  This recognized expert in cruise and leisure travel is a retired Army Officer, and taught World Geography for 8 years.  He is a `71 graduate of West Point and has earned 2 master’s degrees.  His other Certifications:

  • AmaWaterways River Cruise Specialist

  • Viking River Cruise Specialist

  • Scenic River Cruise Specialist

  • Emerald Waterways  Specialist

  • Avalon Waterways Specialist

  • Brit Agent