Why Do We Travel?
Hank Schrader, USMA '71, Europe Destination & Europe River Cruise Expert
Anne Schrader, Certified Travel Counselor & Certified Luxury Cruise Specialist
This is a topic I have wanted to write about for a long time. I’m not sure I’m really qualified to list all the reasons we travel but our interactions with dozens of clients does give us a little insight on why we travel.
I wrote about travel opportunities a few weeks ago, but this a more in-depth look at why we travel and a little bit about 5 travel styles.
So, let’s explore together and learn about why we travel.
In some form or another, when we travel, we seek experiences. Experiences change us.
It could be as simple as doing nothing, clearing our minds, relaxing.
It could be active—hiking biking running or other physical activity.
It could be seeing new places, learning about the culture.
It could be achievement—visiting a high number of countries, continents, or polar explorations, or even visiting space.
It could be a combination of any or all of these.
It could be celebrating a milestone, or a bucket list item.
The means of transportation could be the experience—a luxury train, a river or cruise ship or a pilgrimage.
The only thing all these have in common is that they change us in some form—it is personal development. Some folks like to call this transformational travel.
Since we all experience travel differently, let’s explore this idea a little further and see how travel can provide us some personal development.
I’m going to take 5 ideas about travel styles and travel attitudes to examine how you can use these ideas to enhance your travel experiences and help you get more out of your travel. By using some of our travel styles and travel attitudes as a method, I hope it will help us to probe why we travel.
Perhaps, one of these styles is your preferred way to travel, but my guess is most of you will see yourself in several of these travel styles. We have experienced all 5 styles.
Can you imagine a more relaxing place like this garden in Vienne, France?
Idea #1 We Take the Same Trip Every Year—It’s Our Travel Style
All travel experiences are different, even if we take the same trip every year.
For example, my West Point Classmates (we graduated in 1971—yes, we are old!) get together once a year for a 4-day golf shoot out. In truth, although some are very competitive golfers, most go to see the old friends and classmates, retell old stories and the format doesn’t change much, but each trip is different since we change the location of the event and not all can attend every year.
So. what does this example accomplish for most of us—we get to see the folks who are important to us.
Even the same trip every year leads to personal development, much the same taking the same river cruise over the same route does—every trip is different and so are your experiences,
Every year, we try to explore our Scottish heritage during a Highland clan gathering in the Estes Park Scottish festival. We have now been there 5 times and plan to continue this wonderful festival. Here are two pictures of us there:
Idea # 2 Our Travel Style Will Require an Attitude Adjustment
Travel always broadens our prospectives. It can be fun, stressful, freeing, relaxing, or demanding.
Some love the planning process; others want nothing to do with it. We always ask how our clients feel about the travel planning process versus the actual travel. We usually find the best attitude adjustments happen when we both get involved in the planning process.
But it is out client’s attitude towards these 2 facets of travel determine how much we get involved to do it all for you or get help and collaborate with you.
One attitude adjustment is control and for some the hardest factor in personal development when traveling. We often must give up control of our routines and are forced out of our comfort zone but gain a new understanding of a new place.
Attitudes are about feelings—what did you love about your last vacation? What did you hate or dislike? Many of our feelings may not be that strong but if we want personal development, we must express our feelings about travel.
Perhaps we can help you make several attitude adjustments and provide you growth by assisting you with new experiences during your travels.
One of our most memorable trips was attending a cooking school in Wales, for Anne’s 60th birthday celebration.
Idea # 3 Your Travel Style Requires You to Dream Big if You Want Great Experiences.
One of my favorite questions to clients is where do you want to go? Followed by where do you need to go?
Why is this important? We all have travel dreams, but it is what we want to accomplish by our travels that is the need question.
Do you want to follow your ancestral family in a new location?
How about a luxury train ride?
Maybe mysterious, ancient Egypt?
Perhaps, the Vienna New Year Balls, dressed in elegant gowns and tuxedos?
We don’t always know your big dreams but are ready to help you get there someday—you must dream big if you want significant personal development.
I’m not sure either us really ever believed we would visit Egypt one day—we did dream big and made it happen!
Idea # 4 This Travel Style Requires Most of Our Clients to be Resilient—they can overcome travel barriers.
The 2020 and 2021 were some of the most challenging times we have faced in our travel business. Somehow, a few traveled, many rescheduled and we all emerged better.
Maybe the problem is not enough time, travel costs, feeling we aren’t up to the physical demands of travel, family and/or health concerns—the list could go on and on if you let it.
Barriers can be overcome in most cases—sometimes we must delay our plans a little but to give in is just wrong, in my opinion.
We can usually find a solution and the result will benefit both of us.
What are the obstacles to achieving your big dream—money, time, fear? Let us know—we understand and usually can help you overcome these barriers.
You may wonder why I would choose the picture of this iconic castle in Switzerland as an example of a barrier. The story is we had a flight from Amsterdam to Geneva cancelled and we had to take 4 different trains to get to our hotel after our overnight flight from the US. We finally arrived at 0200 to our hotel—even seasoned travels like us have to overcome barriers!
Idea 5 Your Travel Style Requires You to Adapt and Grow
Travel really does change us, especially if we embrace the opportunity. I will never forget my first trip to Europe—I fell in instant love with the Old World and have been returning for 51 years.
Another good example is—I never knew about how good a vacation a river cruise is for most of our clients until my first in 2009 and now 95% of our sales are river cruises.
Just as we have adapted to the changing environment of travel, we can help you adapt and grow in your travels.
We have the knowledge and experience to help you grow, you just must want to change.
Maybe you need a nudge or two to take that first step—we can help you overcome your inhibitions and help you grow.
Here is a post card I sent my parents in 1971 after my first visit to Paris. As you can see, I went to the top of the Eiffel Tower on 26 July 1971.
Our Final Thoughts
So, what is our role in why you travel?
For us, it is simple—we like to help you get better vacations by providing you trips that 1) will exceed your expectations; 2) help you make wise choices; 3) eliminate hassles and 4) help you get the best value for your money. All of these are personal development from your travel experiences or transitional travel.
I think you can see why we are in the business—it just is awesome to help folks have a great vacation. Regardless of your travel style, we can make it a better experience.
We are travel experts, ocean and river cruise specialists, and Europe destination experts. We have first-hand knowledge of almost anywhere you want to visit in Europe. We know our products and the vendors who sell them to you. We have designed special tours for dozens of clients, led several and will continue to find just the right vacation that will exceed your expectations.
When you are spending your hard-earned money for a vacation, you want an advisor who can match you with the right trip. You want someone who will understand your expectations and fuel your anticipation (or excitement) to get you the best possible trip experience. And, you want someone who can help you with the decision making process. We think we have all these qualities.
Whatever your Dream Destinations are, we are here to help you get the best possible vacation based on what is important to you! We will provide you high quality, expertly planned travel. Please give me a call 713-397-0188 (Hank) or email me at hschrader@dreamdestinations.com. We want to help you: Savor life…make memories…Visit Dream Destinations! Your journey begins here!
ANNE has earned a degree from the University of Houston in Hotel and Restaurant Management. Serving as the President of Visit Dream Destinations, LLC, since 2016, she is uniquely experienced professional travel advisor with over 26 years’ experience in the travel industry. Among her numerous certifications, she is a Certified Travel Counselor (CTC) by the Travel Institute, considered the gold standard in travel agent certification and she is also an Accredited Cruise Counselor (ACC) by the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), as well Luxury Cruise Specialist also from CLIA. Having traveled often to Europe since 1989, she has expanded on her certification as a Destination Specialist in Western Europe (DS) with extensive first-hand experience in luxury vacations. She holds numerous other specialty designations from individual vendors. An expert photographer, she delights in capturing the true essence of destinations to share with all.
HANK is a certified Western European Destination Specialist (DS) who has been traveling to Europe for 50 years. He is also an Accredited Cruise Counselor (ACC), conferred by the Cruise Line International Association (CLIA). This recognized expert in cruise and leisure travel is a retired Army Officer, and taught World Geography for 8 years. He is a `71 graduate of West Point and has earned 2 master’s degrees. His other Certifications:
AmaWaterways River Cruise Specialist
Viking River Cruise Specialist
Scenic River Cruise Specialist
Emerald Waterways Specialist
Avalon Waterways Specialist
Brit Agent