Europe River Cruise Expert

Are We Europe River Cruise Specialists?

Are We Europe River Cruise Specialists?

According to the Cambridge English Dictionary, a specialist is “someone who has a lot of experience, knowledge, or skill in a particular subject.”

While I think we have exceptional experience, knowledge and skill in Europe river cruises, to properly evaluate what constitutes an expert and specialist in the travel industry, I believe there are 6 good measures that can provide a comprehensive and objective evaluation to determine if a travel advisor is truly an expert and specialist.  Here are the measurement factors:  1) experience; 2) certification; 3) knowledge of the industry; 4) first-hand knowledge of the industry; 5) professional organization membership and 6) can you trust them?

We can use these 6 factors to determine the difference between travel advisors and help you decide—what makes us special about our knowledge of river cruises and how do we use that knowledge to help you get a better river cruise vacation experience.

So, let’s explore what makes a travel advisor a river cruise expert and try to answer the question—Are we Europe river cruise experts and specialists?

What Are the Top Google Searches for Europe River Cruises?

What Are the Top Google Searches for Europe River Cruises?

What Are the Top Google Searches for Europe River Cruises?

By Hank Schrader, USMA ’71, Europe Destination & Europe River Cruise Expert

Today, we all do searches for information on the web.  By far, Google is the number one search engine in use today.  Basically, Google uses keywords to find the information you are looking for from other sources—websites, blogs and other items posted to the world-wide web.  While the goal of most is to be on page one of Google, the basic question is—is the information accurate and useful to the user just because it is on page one of Google?

So, I thought I would go into a minefield and tell you about what folks are looking for on the web about Europe River Cruises.  Why is it a minefield—it is often hard to tell how accurate the information is about Europe River Cruises and the vendors and writers often sing the praises of Europe River Cruising, without adequately defending their views. 

Let’s go together, with open eyes and see how we would answer these most searched topics—not only will we answer the question but tell you where we rank on Google—but please remember, just because it is popular, it doesn’t mean it is the best available information.

Also, you may Google these topics and get slightly different results, so we must consider this a snapshot at best for 1 and 2 May 2019.

Our 11 Step Europe River Cruise Planning Guide

Our 11 Step Europe River Cruise Planning Guide

Our Planning Guide for Your Europe River Cruise from 2 Europe River Cruise Experts

By Hank Schrader, USMA ’71, Europe Destination & Europe River Cruise Expert

And Anne Schrader, Certified Travel Professional & Europe River Cruise Expert

Have you ever wonder what you should consider when planning a Europe River Cruise?  I promise you, there is little clear cut information what you should consider to get the best possible river cruise that is right for you.

I tried a Google search but the results were not what I was looking for—some offered tips, some results went to destinations or rivers, then maybe companies.

We pride ourselves in making planning an art form—so let us provide you a step by step guide to ensure you will get the best possible river cruise for your vacation. 

Or, better yet let us plan it for you—we are the experts to advise you of the right match for your trip.  So how do we do it—we ask a lot of questions by having you tell us what is important to you.

Ready for our guide—let’s plan a Europe river cruise together!

What is the Best Europe River Route?

What is the Best Europe River Route?

What is the Best Europe River Cruise Route?

By Hank Schrader, USMA ’71, Europe Destination & Europe River Cruise Expert

The purpose of this blog is provide you a comprehensive guide of the available Europe River Cruise Routes, so you can decide on which route will be the best for your next Europe river cruise vacation.

Europe has the distinction of the continent with the largest number of navigable rivers compared to other regions of the world.  They are often devoid of major obstacles such as waterfalls and rapids, and are usually wide and deep enough to allow steady passage of people and material on all types of sailing vessels.  Combine the easy navigation with captivating sights such as castles, vineyards, capital cities and small, quaint villages and it is easy to see why folks would want to sail these amazing rivers!

We are often ask “Which river should we sail on for my first Europe river cruise?”  My short answer is take multiple trips--I would sail on all of them!  However, the problem is that most of us don’t have unlimited time and money to sail them all.

So to solve this dilemma, here is a guide to the European River routes most available to you.  I will describe the river, point out a couple of highlights and why you might consider sailing on this river.  The routes may be very short or may cover larger distances.  While there are some variations, many lines essentially cruise the same route on the most popular European river

Since most folks want to know what the best starting rivers are if they have never taken a European River cruise, by far the two most popular rivers are the Rhine and the Upper Danube, so let’s explore them first together.  Then will examine the remaining Europe Rivers you might want to consider for your vacation.

Ready?—Let’s cruise together!

What is the Best Europe River Cruise Company?

What is the Best Europe River Cruise Company?

What is the Best Europe River Cruise Company?

By Hank Schrader, USMA ’71, Europe Destination & Europe River Cruise Expert

Perhaps the most often asked question from our clients about Europe river cruising is “What is the best Europe River Cruise Line?  It is almost always followed by: Why is it the best?

So, I googled best Europe river cruise company and got some really interesting results.  The results were all over the place—incomplete lists, reader polls, cruise critic best list(s), and two good river cruise authorities who have some well-reasoned lists.

Why such varied results?  I just don’t think you can factor a best list without categories.  I also think you have to look for how objective these lists are—the source, their qualifications to review river cruise lines and their reasons to rank on line over another.

Another key factor, in my opinion, is that all river cruises are good vacations and how valid is a best company list?—Does it have any real meaning? 

Here is a key fact to support that argument—all of the 8 major lines I cover have good accommodations, free Wi-Fi, wine & beer with lunch and dinner, limited entertainment and tours included in their base fare. 

At the very least, all river cruise companies are on par with premium ocean cruise companies and with a few exceptions include more than the ocean cruise lines.  And, when you read my top 10 list below, you will see each of the 8 major lines I cover has at least one win somewhere on my list.

So, let’s examine my 10 best list and let me defend my selections.

River Cruise Vibes--What It's Really Like on 8 River Cruise Lines!

River Cruise Vibes--What It's Really Like on 8 River Cruise Lines!

River Cruise Vibes—What It’s Really Like on 8 River Cruise Lines!

By Hank Schrader, USMA ’71, Europe Destination & Europe River Cruise Expert

I am amazed at how much the Europe river cruise industry has changed when I originally wrote only a little less than 2 years ago.  Since 2009, I have studied Europe River cruising to learn all I could about the river cruise industry.  A few industry experts have tried to make comprehensive comparisons of the different lines.  Each has a slightly different approach. 

We have taken a unique approach by creating a PowerPoint presentation.  Our 86 slide 2019 Comparison Guide is very good but even that lacks one factor—the vibe of the line and its ships. 

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines vibe as “the feeling that someone or something gives you.”  Basically, for this blog, it is the atmosphere, the conditions, the emotional connection you can expect on each line if you were to cruise on that line.

So, here goes—my evaluation of the vibe or feeling you will get on these 8 river cruise lines.

Our 5 Best Europe River Cruise Blogs

Our 5 Best Europe River Cruise Blogs

I have written 47 blogs about Europe River Cruising—this will be number 48.  So, after some refection, I thought I’d provide you what I consider the 5 Best Europe River Cruise Blogs we have written and see if you agree with me that there is value for you to read these blogs, with the goal of helping you to get a better understand of a Europe river cruise vacation and experience.

To organize my thoughts, I thought I would first provide you a little background about how I write and research these blogs, and the goals of the blogs.

I also want tell you about other blogs/websites/books that might prove valuable in your search for accurate information about Europe river cruises.

Next I will provide you my selection of the best blogs we have written.  In my selection process, I decided not to include company specific blogs or food, service or cabin blogs—these are great for more detailed looks at a specific company or aspect of Europe river cruises but not the best overall works about Europe river cruising.  For each blog, I will provide a summary of the blog and then tell you why it matters—and provide a link to the actual blog.

Ready, to learn more?—let’s GO!

Cruising the AmaKristina in December 2018

Cruising the AmaKristina in December 2018

Cruising the AmaKristina in December 2018

By Hank Schrader, USMA ’71, Europe Destination & Europe River Cruise Expert

As I began to write this, I’m on the AmaKristina on the Rhine.  It is our first trip on this river ship, but it already feels like home—we have sailed on 16 Europe river cruises and this is our 15th cruise with AmaWaterways (we are leading a small group on this same route this summer on the AmaSerna—there is still limited space available if you would like to join us—give me a call).

Much has changed since 2009 in river cruising—when we first started river cruising in Europe—and almost all is for the better.

This was a themed cruise—a Christmas Markets along the Rhine.  It is the most festive season in Europe and that is saying a lot, since Europeans walk and enjoy their cities almost every day of their lives and most everyone has visited these special stalls and enjoyed shopping, and eating Christmas delights and imbibe in the hot Gleuwein.

So, I thought I’d write about AmaWaterways and the Rhine River—one of the two most popular routes for river cruisers in Europe.

Want a Million Dollar Trip for $15,000 or less?—Try a Europe River Cruise!

Want a Million Dollar Trip for $15,000 or less?—Try a Europe River Cruise!

By Hank Schrader, USMA ’71, Europe Destination & Europe River Cruise Expert

I write all the time about Europe river cruising and its value.  While some would say it is not the best luxury travel option money can buy, I disagree.

So, let me defend my thoughts—is it really a million dollar trip for less?

Why Buy a Europe River Cruise from Us?

Why Buy a Europe River Cruise from Us?

Why Buy a Europe River Cruise from Us?

By Hank Schrader, USMA ’71, Europe Destination & Europe River Cruise Expert

There are about 75.000 to 100,000 professional travel agents in business in the United States.  There are also the giants of the internet (Travelocity, Expedia, etc.) and wholesalers (Costco).  You can also buy direct from many travel vendors.  To be sure, you the consumer, have a lot of choices and ways to buy travel.

With the plethora of options, it got me to thinking—Why should you buy a river cruise or for that manner, any travel from us?—from Anne & Hank Schrader, of Visit Dream Destinations, LLC!